A process of neighborhood change that includes economic change in a historically disinvested neighborhood —by means of real estate investment and new higher-income residents moving in - - not only in terms of income level, but also in terms of changes in the education level or racial make-up of residents.

disadvantage for
low-income residents
cultural displacement
dilution of ethnicity
decrease in crimes
Positive effects of Gentrification
'Change is the only thing that is constant'
More affluent neighborhoods (caused by gentrification) in the city leads to an increase in the tax base of that city. An increased tax base leads to more and better services by the city's administration to all the residents.
It leads to the refurbishment of the run-down areas and provides better facilities to the public, such as restaurants and parks, to name a few. This is ultimately beneficial for not only the residents of that neighborhood, but also for the city as a whole.
Increased Taxation
Gentrification leads to a mixture of people from different classes living in the same neighborhood. This not only leads to a sense of community between residents, but also results in increased social interactions.
Gentrification in Rotterdam
Different views exist on how Rotterdam’s housing stock should be developed, with eye on the future. The planned demolition of 15.000 dwellings and the renovation of 5.000 houses has the potential to negatively impact the less affluent people of Rotterdam, due to a decrease in affordable housing stock.
Areas marked in green indicate neighbourhoods where Gentrification has taken place.
Understanding Systems in Society
'Complicated network of interdependent systems'
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Professionals have generated a consensus that cultivating art districts is at once an economic panacea and a moral absolution.

Creatives appear as foot soldiers of displacement rather than allies of diversity.
Consequence: Poverty Concentration